Free Shipping For All Orders Over $400

Worldwide Delivery

Shipping Policy

All of our orders are shipped through FedEx.

To guarantee the safe delivery of parcels to you. You are required to perform a signature upon delivery of your product.

All our products are handled by a team located abroad, so our products can take upwards of two weeks to deliver outside the USA.

We provide shipping worldwide; our delivery is free internationally for over $100, and products over $75 within the USA. If your package is not collected or signed upon arrival, it is returned to our warehouse. The price of the box is then processed for a refund. However, the shipping cost is non-refundable as it is a third-party cost independent of Naked Affairs.

Refund Policy

To be eligible for the Refund Policy of an item, you are permitted 07 days to decide to be entitled to a full refund. Items returned after 07 days will not qualify for a refund. However, they can be exchanged for in-store credit if the item is returned within the first 15 days from the date of purchase.

Only customers located within the USA are eligible for our Refund Policy. Any refunded item will be processed on the same credit card used on the initial purchase. It is to be noted that any shipping costs are non-refundable, and the customer will have to bear the shipping cost if the order is canceled after the item has been processed. The customer should allow up to two billing cycles for the refund to be reflected in the bank account. This process may take up to 4 weeks.

Sales Policy

Items purchased during a sale are not eligible for the Refund and Exchange Policy.

Cancellation Policy

The cancellation of the order take place at any time before the processing of your order. After the dispatching of the product, shipping charges will occur.

© 2025 All Rights Received By Naked Affairs. Design and Develop By Shaikh